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  在當(dāng)下的中國,東方審美的文化心理正在被逐漸的重拾和放大,而外在的演繹也在被各色的商業(yè)業(yè)半包裝修態(tài)包裝利用當(dāng)然,這也是文化自信的表達方式?!安耖T薈”這個被賦予傳承和創(chuàng)新川菜的高級餐廳,是柴門公司多年積淀來的全新品牌。  Contemporary China is gradually rediscovering and zooming into the culture of or棚戶區(qū)改造政策iental aesthetics, as the external interpretations are being commercialised, which is also an expression of cultural confidence.Chaimenhui is a high-end restaurant that inherits and innovates Sichuanese cuisine as well as a whole-new brand of Chaimen following years of hard work.   ?   ?   ?  其最終的愿景是希望客人在這里能體驗高級川味美食的同時,也能有或東方或當(dāng)代的審美感受?! he restaurant aspi裝修公司排行榜res to offer oriental or contemporary aesthetics as diners sample first-rate Sichuanese cuisine.   ?  園林是東方美學(xué)的一種高級形態(tài),內(nèi)含的審美哲學(xué)是大多中國人骨子里的精神亮點。希望能代表四川成都高水準(zhǔn)美食的柴門薈,自然也應(yīng)該有更廣闊和包容的氣氛來迎接五湖四海的客人。  Gardens are a top form of oriental aesthetics, and the aesthetic philosophy contained within is the quintessence of the majority of Chinese people.To represent the top-tier delicacies of Chengdu in Sichuan Province, Chaimenhui naturally needs to be more open and encompassing to welcome diner大紅酸枝家具s from all corners of the country.   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?  我們在餐廳里融入了大量的園林景觀以及對園林觀法的深度考察設(shè)計這種觀法,是通過內(nèi)部的建筑空間設(shè)計中對序列、流線、高低尺度的再創(chuàng)造,以求達到顯、隱、遮、露、透的環(huán)境形成,即是外放,也是內(nèi)斂。  We have introduced a considerable amount of garden lan 表5-4 傳統(tǒng)中式家具的主要木材質(zhì)地Table 5-4 The main wood used in traditional furnituredscape and philosophy during our extensive design planning,and recreated the alignment,fluidity and elevation in the 茶館ce to achieve an open yet introspect (1)利用材料特性創(chuàng)造新的形式。各種材料的屬性客觀上決定了適于塑造的形式,因此設(shè)計師應(yīng)把握并理解材料的特性去構(gòu)建家具的形體,在充分發(fā)揮材料性能的基礎(chǔ)上創(chuàng)造新的家具形式。如溫州澳珀公司朱小杰將亞克力材料應(yīng)用到座椅的靠背板上,一方面可以增強靠背的彈性,同時又能夠使家具形體更為輕盈(如圖5-44)。ive 茶館ce that displays, conceals, covers,reveals and uncovers.   ?   ?   ?  具有川西院落風(fēng)情的建筑結(jié)構(gòu)形式貫穿整個大廳,這個只擺放了四桌的空間中使用木與石的材料組合這也是柴門薈重食材、重珍味的另一種心理暗示。開放式的烹飪布局,是對川人生活方式的再提煉?! he Sichuanese courtyard-style architectural structure is seen throughout the hall, where only four tables are found.The combination of wood and stone is a hint at the restaurant’s focus on ingredients and delicacies.The open cooking 茶館ce is a refinement of the Sichuanese lifestyle.   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?  十二間包房是本次餐廳設(shè)計的核心,根據(jù)不同的主題和名稱進行單獨的內(nèi)部空間設(shè)計植物與色彩的名稱組合被帶進了整個內(nèi)部的氛圍體驗。  The 12 booths are the core design of the restaurant. The independent 茶館tial design based on different themes and the names of plants and colours forms the overall atmosphere。   ?   ?   ?   ?  如梅綰、如竹墨、如松玄輕盈高雅的空間語言,搭配復(fù)合的色系組合。這樣的環(huán)境中感受現(xiàn)場堂作烹飪的精湛技藝,是經(jīng)營者最想傳達的初心?! uch as Plum Knot, Bamboo Ink,Pine Black, which are refined and elegant. To allow diners to appreciate the exquisite cooking on site is the focus of the owner.   ?   ?   ?  其中兩個最大的包間我們更加強調(diào)以內(nèi)收的心態(tài)來設(shè)計,把功夫更多放在隱藏功能美學(xué)中。  For the two largest booths,we placed greater emphasis on hidden features that are manifested through the functional aesthetics。   ?   ?   ?   ?  每一處的照明,都會隨著陽光和四季的變化而過渡每一款家具的舒適性都使室內(nèi)外的邊界更加模糊?! hich sees the illumination changing with the sunlight and seasons and furniture offering comfort that transcends the 茶館tial boundary.   ?   ?  中國人講究的自然尺度實際是讓人更加放松和愉悅的尺度屋內(nèi)涼庭式的園林建筑也被帶入其中。  The natural requirements to which Chinese people pay attention are those that bring relaxation and happiness, as is with the introduction of a pavilion resembling garden architecture indoors.   ?  當(dāng)內(nèi)收之后才有了外放的可能我們更加強調(diào)美食與美酒,在含蓄而有高格的空間里釋放?! nly by looking inward first can we open up later,which is why we emphasise wining and dining in an understated yet elegant 茶館ce.  項目名稱:柴門薈  PROJECT:ChaiMenHui  坐落地點:中國成都交子大道287號  LOCATION: No. 287#Jiaozi Avenue ChengDu China  設(shè)計面積: 1650㎡  SIZE: 1650SQM  設(shè)計時間:2019年2月  DESIGN: 2 / 2019  開業(yè)時間:2020年1月  OPENING: 1 / 2020  主創(chuàng)設(shè)計:唐嘉駿 / 劉芮言  CHIEF DESIGNER: Jiajun Tang / Rene 在人與家具的關(guān)系上,“以人為中心”是設(shè)計的基本理念,而家具形式則是實現(xiàn)功能需求的目標(biāo)形態(tài),二者是主體與對象的關(guān)系。本書通過將“以人為中心”的設(shè)計理念具體為“人”因分析,以明確在現(xiàn)代中式家具設(shè)計過程中需要考慮的人的因素,進而從微觀層面對各種要素加以分析,這主要包括針對自然人的行為分析,如人體尺度、能力范圍和知覺感受等,還包括面向不同人群的需求分析,主要應(yīng)用了馬斯洛的需求層次理論來區(qū)分不同的需求內(nèi)容,進而提出相對明確的設(shè)計內(nèi)容和執(zhí)行模型。而對于家具形式的設(shè)計則采用形態(tài)學(xué)的分析方法探討現(xiàn)代中式家具的形式構(gòu)成要素和關(guān)系要素,通過對型、色、質(zhì)要素的形態(tài)語義與象征性的分析來選擇適用的形態(tài),并結(jié)合多樣性統(tǒng)一、比例與尺度、對稱與均衡、節(jié)奏和韻律等形式美法則的分析來確定具體的表現(xiàn)手法和方式,進而使現(xiàn)代中式家具在形式上符合現(xiàn)代生活方式需求與現(xiàn)代審美標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。  設(shè)計師及項目管理:但莎  DESIGNER AND PM: Dana  家具及照明裝置設(shè)計:樹下時上  FURNITURE AND LIGHTING EQUIPMENT DESIGN: TimeStone Design  家具供應(yīng):深圳-高帆之家 / Stellar Works  FURNITURE SUPPLY: GF&HOME / Stellar Works  照明顧問:歐未照明  LIGHTING CONTROL: Oway Lighting Solution  攝影師:賀川  PHOTOGRAPHER: HeChuan  關(guān)于HDC蜂鳥設(shè)計:   ?  成都蜂鳥設(shè)計顧問創(chuàng)立至今,自始堅持多元性,開放性,創(chuàng)造性的精細(xì)化設(shè)計道路,保持以“探討商業(yè)本質(zhì)”的策略來積極開展空間設(shè)計的精確落地,為中國餐飲行業(yè)創(chuàng)作出完整的精品項目。堅持以作品落地說話,絕不以不正當(dāng)行為去贏得當(dāng)下利益?! ∥覀円恢痹谏虡I(yè)與設(shè)計的對話中,探索發(fā)現(xiàn)前沿的邊界,并創(chuàng)作出不同業(yè)態(tài)賽道的領(lǐng)先性設(shè)計思路,以協(xié)助客戶提升品牌價值和行業(yè)壁壘,并積極推動中國創(chuàng)造的全球化輸出。