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這套名為P2ciputra的180㎡住宅由DaoHo Studio團(tuán)隊改造設(shè)計,設(shè)計師選用大面積的木色貫穿整個空間,營造自然質(zhì)樸,富有親切感的空間氛圍。將設(shè)計融入情感,給人慢節(jié)奏的生活體驗,展現(xiàn)了現(xiàn)代主義的寫意美感。RENOVATE01舊宅翻新“開放空間有助于維持家庭成員之間的關(guān)系,它允許人們在烹飪、學(xué)習(xí)、放松和娛樂的同時互動和交流……”設(shè)計師打破原有布局,并根據(jù)業(yè)主對于開放式空間的需求對該住宅進(jìn)行翻新。"Open space helps maintain the relationship between family members, and it allows people to interact and communicate while cooking, studying, relaxing and entertaining..." the designer broke the original layout and renovated the house according to the owner's demand for open space.設(shè)計師在房子中間放置了一個想象中的“院子”作為集體空間?!霸鹤印北旧砭褪侨胰艘黄鹕?、看電影、學(xué)習(xí)、彈奏樂器、做飯、吃飯的共同空間。天花板盡可能地升高,而地面則降低,并通過一系列小門廊作為緩沖區(qū)其他空間隔開。The designer placed an imaginary "yard" in the middle of the house as a collective space. The "yard" itself is a common space for the whole family to live together, watch movies, learn, play musical instruments, cook and eat. The ceiling is raised as much as possible, while the floor is lowered and separated from other spaces by a series of small porches as buffer zones.02LAYOUT開放布局設(shè)計師認(rèn)為,共享“院子”是一種慶典,有別于其他空間,它完全開放,可以連接不同的房間,并通過一系列大型玻璃面板和陽臺上的樹木提供令人驚嘆的外部景觀。The designer believes that sharing the "yard" is a celebration, which is different from other spaces. It is completely open, can connect different rooms, and provides amazing external landscape through a series of large glass panels and trees on the balcony.廚房作為使用性較高的空間,其開放式的布局使空間更加寬敞、明亮,由單一的功能區(qū)變成多功能區(qū),舒適度增加,簡化了廚房到餐桌的行駛動線,節(jié)約了時間和體力,為空間增添了更多趣味性。As a space with high usability, the open layout of the kitchen makes the space more spacious and bright, changing from a single functional area to a multi-functional area, increasing the comfort, simplifying the driving line from the kitchen to the dining table, saving time and energy, and adding more interest to the space.COMFORT03通透舒適臥室利用通透的玻璃移門,解決開合之間氛圍營造以及空間劃分的需求,白天將移門打開,整個家寬敞、明亮,而夜晚將臥室的玻璃移門關(guān)上,則可以形成一個密閉的休息空間。設(shè)計團(tuán)隊貼心地加裝了窗簾,方便屋主隨時拉上,以確保隱私。The bedroom uses a transparent glass sliding door to solve the needs of atmosphere creation and space division between opening and closing. Opening the sliding door during the day will make the whole home spacious and bright. Closing the glass sliding door in the bedroom at night can form a closed rest space. The design team has kindly added grey curtains to make it convenient for homeowners to pull them at any time to ensure privacy.平面圖DESIGN PLAN(文章來源:建E室內(nèi)設(shè)計網(wǎng))