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藝術(shù)就像一個房間,幾千年來一直在不間斷的對話。Art is like a room that has been in constant dialoguefor thousands of years.Vtb Arena Park 是一整座現(xiàn)代高品質(zhì)建筑。具有可識別的設(shè)計風(fēng)格和自己的性格。Vtb Arena Park isan entire modern high quality building. Has a recognizable design style and its own character.當(dāng) Artem Babayants 次來到這里時,我們意識到內(nèi)部將繼續(xù)建筑其清晰的幾何形狀和圓角。當(dāng)我們更深入地了解客戶的意愿時,該項目的主要動機(jī)就完全形成了:流暢的線條、視覺上的輕盈、放松和難以察覺的亞洲風(fēng)情。When Artem Babayants first came here, we realized that the interior would continue to be built with its clear geometry and rounded corners. When we took a deeper look at the client's wishes, the main motives of the project came fully into shape: smooth lines, visual lightness, relaxation and an imperceptible Asian flair.在公寓的入口處,首先引起注意的是一個漂浮的木卷——這是一個懸掛在兩堵墻之間的櫥柜。在它的后面,您可以立即看到公寓的公共區(qū)域。這樣的解決方案,就像這個室內(nèi)的許多解決方案一樣,既美觀又實用。At the entrance to the apartment, the first thing that catches the eye is a floating wooden volume – a cabinet suspended between two walls. Behind it, you can immediately see the common areas of the apartment. Such a solution, like many in this interior, is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.從設(shè)計的角度來看,我們投射情感——好奇心和渴望進(jìn)入或穿過并仔細(xì)觀察內(nèi)部的欲望。按功能 - 我們將自然光投射到走廊區(qū)域。從美學(xué)上講,我們制作了一個通風(fēng)的構(gòu)圖來設(shè)置整個內(nèi)部。From a design perspective, we project emotion - curiosity and a desire to go in or through and take a closer look inside. By function - we project natural light into the corridor area. Aesthetically, we made an airy composition to set the whole interior.然后我們進(jìn)入公共區(qū)域。在這里,緊湊但經(jīng)過驗證并敏感地響應(yīng)業(yè)主的要求,有一個廚房、一個用餐組和一個軟區(qū)。我們所看到的與對廚房設(shè)備的經(jīng)典理解完全無關(guān)。Then we enter the common area. Here, compact but proven and responsive to the owner's request, there is a kitchen, a dining group and a soft area. What we're seeing has absolutely nothing to do with the classical understanding of kitchen equipment.我們將廚房分為兩個元素,這些元素內(nèi)置于室內(nèi)建筑中。這是一條漂浮的水平木條和兩根垂直的柱子,它們緊貼墻壁的曲率。所有必要的設(shè)備都內(nèi)置在這里。中心軸由圓桌、藤椅和燈組成。軟體家具非常簡潔。We divided the kitchen into two elements, which are built into the interior architecture. This is a floating horizontal wooden strip and two vertical columns that follow the curvature of the wall. All necessary equipment is built in here. The central axis consists of a round table, rattan chairs and lamps. The upholstered furniture is very simple.該項目的亮點是通往工作室的巨大滑動木隔板。他們的美學(xué)在很大程度上決定了項目的氣氛。工廠特地為我們在這個完成訂購。工作室是一個工作空間。在一個封閉的形式 - 這是一個成熟的獨立房間。但是您可以打開隔板并獲得更寬敞的公共區(qū)域。分區(qū)布置的四種選擇給人以不同的空間印象。The highlight of the project is the huge sliding wooden partition leading to the studio. Their aesthetics largely determine the atmosphere of the project. The factory made the order for us here. A studio is a workspace. In a closed form - this is a full-fledged independent room. But you can open up the partitions and get a more spacious common area. The four options for zoning arrangements give different impressions of the space.工作室有封閉的櫥柜,非常成功地偽裝成彎曲的墻壁、一個輕型擱架單元、一張用于拍攝的辦公桌和另一個工作場所,舒適地位于大全景窗戶對面的角落。The studio has closed cupboards, very successfully disguised as curved walls, a light shelving unit, a desk for filming and another workplace, comfortably located in the corner opposite the large panoramic windows.帶衛(wèi)浴的臥室延續(xù)了線條流暢、翱翔的主題。床看起來完全沒有重量。The bedroom with bathroom continues the theme of smooth lines and soaring. The bed looks completely weightless.營造室內(nèi)氛圍的一個特殊元素是長木百葉窗。這是一個很棒的解決方案,可以讓您在擁有如此多的窗戶時感到舒適。降低時,它們很亮,關(guān)閉時,會產(chǎn)生遮光效果。事實上,百葉窗可以應(yīng)付窗簾和薄紗的所有功能。此外,我們還獲得了在陽光明媚的天氣中繪制陰影和樹木令人愉悅的美感這樣的魔力。A special element that creates the interior atmosphere is the long wooden shutters. This is a great solution for comfort when you have so many windows. When lowered, they are bright, and when turned off, they create a blackout effect. In fact, blinds can handle all the functions of curtains and tulle. Plus, we get the magic of painting shadows and the pleasing beauty of trees in sunny weather.案例來源:建e網(wǎng)