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老房子是一個有靈魂的生命,我能從它的粗糙表皮中聽到呼吸的聲音。NATURE在設(shè)計房屋時,室內(nèi)設(shè)計師的工作,無論好壞,都與客戶的突發(fā)異想息息相關(guān)。因此當(dāng)他們設(shè)計自己的房屋時,可以免受他人品味的影響,從而使得項目高效、順利地執(zhí)行和完成。When it comes to designing a house, the job of an interior designer is interconnected, for better or worse, with the whims of the client so when designing their own home, such a project would be much easier and quicker to carry out.荷蘭室內(nèi)設(shè)計師Bertram Beerbaum的情況卻并非如此。他最近與荷蘭Laren的建筑和室內(nèi)設(shè)計事務(wù)所 KABAZ(由他本人創(chuàng)立和經(jīng)營)合作,設(shè)計并建造了他本人在Laren郊區(qū)的一處家庭住宅。Not so in the case of Dutch interior designer Bertram Beerbaum who recently completed the design and construction of his family house on the outskirts of Laren, a quiet town in the Netherlands, in collaboration with KABAZ, the Laren-based architecture and interior design practice that he co-founded and runs.Beerbaum 將自己描述為“2021 年度最棘手的客戶”,他承認(rèn),在沒有和客戶相關(guān)的限制條件下工作,會導(dǎo)致對每一個決策的質(zhì)疑,無論其量級輕重。Describing himself as “the most difficult customer of 2021”, Beerbaum admits that working without client-related restrictions resulted in questioning each and every decision, however large or small.該項目需要翻新并擴(kuò)建位于樹林中的一座已過半百的木屋——Beerbaum 成功地將它打造成一座低調(diào)精致的房子,以現(xiàn)代的極簡筆觸,描摹了一個蘊(yùn)含大量考究的手工細(xì)節(jié)與獨特的審美風(fēng)格的理想家園。The project, which entailed renovating and extending a half-a-century-old timber bungalow in the woods– Beerbaum has successfully translatedit into a house of understated sophistication whose aura of contemporary minimalism belies a trove of hand-crafted details.建于 1956 年,現(xiàn)有的茅草屋在體量和設(shè)計上都需要適度考量。因其在建筑方面稍顯遜色,設(shè)計即從田園詩般的自然風(fēng)光,取一二風(fēng)物,三四靈韻,構(gòu)筑自然之境。Built in 1956, the existing thatched roofed cottage was a modest affair in both size and design but what the property lacked in architecture it more than makes up for in idyllicnatural scenery.盡管 Beerbaum 先前考慮將建筑架構(gòu)完全拆除,但他最終決定對其進(jìn)行翻新和擴(kuò)建,而最終的成效相當(dāng)顯著。布局的徹底翻新與玻璃開口的增加,使室內(nèi)享有如園中可賞的,一覽無余的怡然景致。Although Beerbaum considered completely demolishing the structure , he finally decided to renovate and extend it, quite a bit as it turned out, thoroughly reconfiguring its layout and adding large glass openings granting the interiors with sweeping views of the garden and surrounding nature. C'EST LA VIE.廚房,用柔和的泥土色調(diào)和天然材料,呈現(xiàn)一貫優(yōu)雅的整體美學(xué),隱射出設(shè)計師的謙和低調(diào)的品性。Beerbaum 將簡潔的線條和形式與奢華的飾面、精湛的工藝和考究的裝飾細(xì)節(jié),無縫銜接,完美相和。Underpinned by a muted palette of earthy tones and natural materials, the overall aesthetic is one of subdued elegance in reflection of the designer’s personality. Beerbaum combined clean lines and minimal forms with luxurious finishes, exquisite craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail.“房子里的一切所屬都有助于幸福感的營造”,他說,并承認(rèn)自己做了很多功課,來仔細(xì)研究關(guān)于材料和飾面每一處細(xì)節(jié),以使一切都恰到好處?!癊verything in a house contributes to the feeling of well-being”, he says, admitting to having spent long periods of time poring over every decision about materials and finishes in order to get everything just right.Beerbaum 一絲不茍的嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)作風(fēng),從其家具和飾物的選擇上可窺見一二。Beerbaum’s meticulousness can been seen throughout, from the choice of furniture and decorative objects.例如,他用劍麻(一種從龍舌蘭植物的葉子中提取的葉纖維)作臥室天花板的吸音襯里。For example, he has lined the acoustic ceilings of the bedroom with sisal, a leaf fibre derived from the leaves of the agave plant.臥室的衣柜,隔板外用窄木條包裹,內(nèi)用絨面革作里襯,以牛角手柄點綴一二。to the bedroom wardrobes which are clad in narrow wood strips lined with suede and horn handles.Beerbaum 注重細(xì)節(jié)的理念延展到了一系列定制家具的選擇上,例如餐廳的枝形吊燈。Beerbaum’s detailed-oriented approach extends to the selections of furnishings such as the dining room chandelier.它由設(shè)計師多年來從各地收集的 1950s FAT 熔巖燈組合而成.因重量較大,它被固定在屋頂木結(jié)構(gòu)處的隱藏鋼板上。Made up of FAT lava lamps from the 1950s which the designer collected over the years, it has been hung, due to its weight, from a hidden special steel plate fixed to the timber construction.就工程方面,項目同樣具有挑戰(zhàn)性,需要更高的技術(shù)造詣。電視經(jīng)設(shè)計而沉入地下,只需按一下按鈕就會神奇地消失,而連接原建和新建部分的鏡面滑動門也同樣如此.Just as challenging from an engineering perspective, but considerably more high-tech, the TV is designed to sink into the ground, magically disappearing with the push of a button, as does a mirror-clad sliding door connecting the existing and new-built sections.這種家庭的自動化設(shè)計無縫集成到房子的手工場域中,也暗示了該項目背后殫精竭慮的設(shè)計過程,以及 Beerbaum不愿妥協(xié)的設(shè)計態(tài)度。Seamlessly integrated into the house’s artisanal sensibility, such home automations hint at the laborious design process behind the project as well as speak of Beerbaum’s uncompromising attitude. C'EST LA VIE.從不同角度看待世界。創(chuàng)造一個重視體量感的空間,從而自在生活,沉浸學(xué)習(xí),接納信任,僅這些就足夠了。(文章來源:建E室內(nèi)設(shè)計網(wǎng))