一貝設(shè)計 | 藝術(shù)空間的獨白 | 商業(yè)空間設(shè)計

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文章轉(zhuǎn)載自 一貝設(shè)計 公眾號YIBEI DESIGN SUZHOU少即是多,藝術(shù)中的空白,給人以空靈的美感、呼吸的順暢和想象的空間,從而給人以特有的審美愉悅,這種空白不是藝術(shù)家的遺漏,而是有意的創(chuàng)造。Less is more. The blankness in art gives people a ethereal sense of beauty, a smooth breath and a space for imagination, thus giving people a unique aesthetic pleasure. This kind of blankness is not an omission of the artist, but a deliberate creation.線條與體塊是靈動,是自由,是打破邊界創(chuàng)造出無數(shù)可能性折線帶來的透視感,顏色和造型大膽的異形沙發(fā)在極簡空間中瞬間成為視覺中心,其柔軟質(zhì)感巧妙的中和空間色彩帶來的視覺沖擊力,點到為止的高級色彩碰撞,輔以綠植點綴其間,打破室內(nèi)呆板格局,讓空間充滿活力氛圍。Lines and volumes are flexible and free, breaking boundaries to create a sense of perspective of countless possibilities, and the bold colors and shapes of the abnormal sofa become the visual center of the minimalist space in an instant, its soft texture has a clever and space color brings visual impact, point-to-point high-level color collision, supplemented by greenery interspersed among them, break the indoor rigid pattern, so that the space is full of vitality atmosphere.藝術(shù)空間與辦公室空間的“凈”與“靜”的結(jié)合,在當今節(jié)奏快速的生活與工作模式下,能夠令人拋卻浮躁,安定沉淀其中,賦予空間新的特性。Art space and office space“Pure” and“Quiet” combination, in today's fast-paced life and work mode, can make people abandon impetuous, stable precipitation among them, give space new features.絕佳的光影塑造了意境空遠的空間,當處于空間不同的位置時,人與體塊的關(guān)系也形成一系列或親密或疏離的體驗感,從而增加空間的趣味性。The Perfect Light and shadow shape the space with empty artistic conception. When the space is in different position, the relationship between the human and the body forms a series of intimate or estranged experiences, thus increasing the interest of the space.-END-長按關(guān)注最專業(yè)的的全案設(shè)計,施工,軟裝歡迎后臺點擊預(yù)約服務(wù)我們將在第一時間與您聯(lián)系園區(qū)店:蘇州市工業(yè)園區(qū)李公堤三期9幢103室(瑞貝庭酒店旁)一 貝 設(shè) 計 | Y I B E I - D E S I G N商務(wù)合作或是投稿可聯(lián)系TEL:17717477799如涉及相關(guān)法律問題可聯(lián)系魏郁澄律師?。ㄉ虾H沼ㄌK州)律師事務(wù)所 創(chuàng)始合伙人)蘇州大學法學碩士聯(lián)系電話:13862132529