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至翔 NID空 間 設 計ZXNID space designHard installation design/Soft installation design感謝您關注至翔NID空間設計Thank you for your attention to ZXNID designHard installation design & soft installation designZXNID design teamChangshu,Suzhou,China2022設計機構 | Design :至翔NID空間設計項目名稱 | Name :遇見巴黎項目坐標 | Address :蘇州.常熟棠悅名筑項目面積 | Area :125㎡項目風格 | Style :美式混搭至翔NID空間設計"Anywhere with you feels lik"有你在的地方就像"Paris in the rain"和風細雨的巴黎「 Design & Appeal | 設計&訴求」業(yè)主是一對夫妻和一個可愛的女兒,剛開始溝通設計的時候,業(yè)主喜歡傳統(tǒng)美式的風格,在經過更深入的分析了解后,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)業(yè)主最想要的是美式的精致范,而不是存粹的美式。又不想有沉悶感,于是我們在傳統(tǒng)美式的基礎上增加法式、現(xiàn)代等元素,呈現(xiàn)這樣一個美式混搭風的家。「 Family changes | 戶型改造 」原始結構圖平面布置圖改造點:1.原戶型廚房偏小,冰箱無法放置,需要對廚房進行開放處理。2.原衛(wèi)生間偏小,利用過道空間加大衛(wèi)生間的利用率。3.原主臥門直接對著床,后續(xù)改造改變了衛(wèi)生間門的朝向。4.增加榻榻米房間,滿足了平時儲物和客人臨時居住的地方。改動:1.房子入戶有充足空間,所以將鞋柜做在了入戶處進一步利用了空間。2.原房有一個超大的陽臺,所以設計上將它保留,增強整體的空間感受。3.美式講究一個對稱,所以巧妙的將次臥和主臥的過道用淋浴房隔開 用酒柜來形成一個對稱空間。4.電視背景墻也沒有使用傳統(tǒng)的手法,而是用門和酒柜相同柜門的方式來形成隱形門的效果。5.考慮到原廚房比較局促冰箱沒有位置放,采用了單獨立墻包住冰箱 既解決了美觀問題也解決了冰箱擺放問題。6.書房考慮到孩子學習問題在書房做了一個可調節(jié)的定制書桌,能滿足家長平時對于孩子在旁邊輔導,也滿足了孩子鋼琴的擺放位置。7.主臥側邊衣柜的設計也滿足了日常生活的需求。01.The sittng roomDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design客廳?整體的客廳是一個對稱的造型,柔和的法式線條和硬朗的現(xiàn)代質感,結合浪漫與輕奢的時尚腔調,仿佛透露著俏皮的古典名作,更充滿藝術趣味性。The whole living room is a symmetrical shape, soft French lines and tough modern texture, combined with romantic and light luxury fashion tone, as if revealing the playful classical masterpieces, more full of artistic interest.落地窗保證了整個空間光線的充足,精致的石膏線造型搭配拼色元素,加深了空間的視覺層次感的同時又顯大氣利落,和質感柔軟的沙發(fā)材質進行中和,為空間提供舒適優(yōu)雅的氛圍,兼顧美感與功能的造型表達。The floor-to-ceiling Windows ensure sufficient light in the whole space. The exquisite gypsum line modeling is matched with the color elements, which deepens the visual hierarchy of the space and shows the atmosphere crisp at the same time. The soft texture of the sofa material is neutralized, providing a comfortable and elegant atmosphere for the space, giving consideration to the aesthetic feeling and the functional modeling expression.02.restaurantDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design餐廳采用開放式餐廚一體化,拉近了餐廳和客廳的距離,互動性更強了???、餐廳的布局,在色調上和諧統(tǒng)一,使得視覺上更加寬敞明亮,一抹深色,使空間靜默下來;錯落有致的線條,賦予空間更強烈的精致感,餐廳區(qū)圓形的吊頂與對稱的門洞更顯得整體大氣而莊重。The use of open kitchen integration, narrow the distance between the dining room and the living room, more interactive.The layout of guests and restaurants is harmonious and unified in color, which makes the vision more spacious and bright. A touch of dark color makes the space quiet. The well-spaced lines give the space a stronger sense of delicacy. The circular ceiling and symmetrical door in the dining area appear more atmospheric and solemn.03.Master bedroomDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design主臥室主臥室賦予其的滿滿儀式感。地面鋪設木色地板,搭配溫柔精致的軟裝,溫暖舒適的同時更顯溫馨。墻面分割出的不同色塊讓空間色彩鮮明,層次豐富。背景墻同樣采用石膏雕花線條,與吊頂相呼應,打造舒適雅致的睡眠空間。The master bedroom gives it a sense of ritual. Wooden floor is laid on the ground, with soft and delicate decoration, which makes it warm and comfortable.The different color blocks separated from the wall make the space bright and colorful. The background wall also adopts gypsum carved lines, which echo the ceiling to create a comfortable and elegant sleeping space.04.Children's roomDesign agency:ZhiXiang NID space design兒童房兒童房沒有使用大面積粉色,而是在軟裝上搭配了淺粉色,簡潔的線條加上兔耳朵的床靠讓女兒房充滿童趣,生活帶給你的驚喜,遠比大白墻精彩。The children's room does not use a large area of pink, but uses light pink on the soft decoration. The simple lines and the bed lean with rabbit ears make the daughter's room full of childlike fun. The surprise of life is far more wonderful than the big white wall.-至翔NID空間設計-E N D版權聲明本文均為至翔NID原創(chuàng),請勿盜用如需轉載本文或商業(yè)合作,請郵件聯(lián)系:1219449110@qq.com如果您喜歡【至翔NID空間設計】可以“推送”或“分享”給身邊的朋友商務合作或是投稿可聯(lián)系TEL:17717477799如涉及相關法律問題可聯(lián)系魏郁澄律師?。ㄉ虾H沼ㄌK州)律師事務所 創(chuàng)始合伙人)蘇州大學法學碩士聯(lián)系電話:13862132529