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美,不存在于物體之中,而存在于物與物產(chǎn)生的陰翳的波紋和明暗之中。01入Casa Tres árboles位于墨西哥 Valle de Bravo是一座擁有 25 年歷史的周末公寓經(jīng)由Direccion建筑工作室的改造設(shè)計房子煥然一新,于陰翳中自在生長昏暗,陰柔,細膩,隱晦光影之間,美感自現(xiàn)由街道的停車場延展向下的樓梯是進入房屋的主要通道。斑駁的石階旁依偎著一棵蔥蘢的樹,一古舊的灰色石器,內(nèi)里無盡綠意,與玄關(guān)處的小露臺兩兩相對。From the parking lot at street level a downward stairway is the main access to the house. The steps skirt around a beautiful tree and stone planters full of green lead the way to a small patio.拆除了原先的一個浴室和斜屋頂后,空間動線得以通達自如。添置了一處植物造景,以喜林草、丁香、藍蕨、百合草和大花蕨作主景植物。這些元素相互作用,共同構(gòu)成了室外門廊處的入口設(shè)計。A bathroom and a slanted roof were removed for a clean and unified access and a new planter was built and covered with philodendron winterbourn, clove, blue fern, liriope grass and davallia fern. These elements together constitute the design of the primary outdoor porch.一進門,客人就會看到一個明亮的雙高門廳,頂部玻璃穹頂射出的自然光充盈其中,一片浮光靜影。這個靜如雕塑般的大廳,縈繞在豐盈的物質(zhì)材料中,是首要的停駐留賞之地。透過巨大的玻璃窗,可以看到入口處的那顆生機勃勃的大喬木。Once inside guests are greeted by a bright double height foyer filled with natural light coming from the glass dome atop. This decidedly sculptured hall is the prime space to pause and become surrounded by the material serenity of the house. The tree from the entrance can be seen through a large window.設(shè)計建造了一堵高墻來隱藏樓梯。高墻對面的墻面上,Beatriz Zamora 的黑色畫作彌補了墻面的空虛乏味。A tall wall was built to hide the stairway and on an opposite wall a black painting by Beatriz Zamora completes the design.樓層的變化使得空間有了過渡和層次;門廳成為一系列空間的過渡:上通的頂層的臥室,下達底層的生活區(qū)和家庭共享空間。A shift in floor level provides a threshold; the foyer serves as a gateway that connects the private – bedrooms on the upper floor, and common - and living area on the ground floor, shared spaces of the home.02憩這個共享的生活區(qū)成為房屋的能量聚合場域四時晨昏,嬉笑言談,皆為陪伴隨著改造,客廳與新建的日光浴室無縫鏈接、自由過渡,該室從地板到天花板,從材料到配色,與客廳完美相和。它們共同構(gòu)成了一個靜謐舒適的生活區(qū)。With the remodeling the living and dining rooms are now open to a new sundeck integrated with floor to ceiling openings, and they blend into one single living space.客廳相鄰之外,與 PAAR 合作定制的石火坑是一家人夜間聚會的理想場所,當雨季較少使用時,它可以作為當?shù)伉B類的飲水點。On the outside of the living room, a stone fire pit custom made in collaboration with PAAR, is the perfect night-time gathering spot for the family, and during rainy season, when seldom used, it double serves as a watering spot for local birds.所有公共區(qū)和休息區(qū),無論室內(nèi)還是室外,都可以欣賞到優(yōu)美的湖景。All common and rest areas, both indoor and outdoor, offer an exceptional view of the lake.03 烹廚房反映了營造房屋氛圍時所選用的自然元素寧靜而細膩的內(nèi)在感官于一方陰仄處而風(fēng)雅自現(xiàn)冰冷粗糙的石質(zhì)臺面與光潔如玉的墻壁飾面形成鮮明對比,其著色深淺隨著光感的浮動而變化,如同置于自然的顏料盒——橄欖綠、灰色、赭石…… 諸多變幻,不勝枚舉。The cold stone countertops stand in stark contrast with the smooth finish on the walls that shift in color as the light of the day changes, as pigments found in nature do — olive green, gray, ochre...04 食調(diào)色板整合了元素的流動材料,用色與單品經(jīng)過精心構(gòu)思三時三餐,靜享美味因地塊零散及坡度較大,餐廳改造成為本項目面臨的最大挑戰(zhàn)。為此,設(shè)計師進行了一些改動:通過拆除墻壁、平整水平面、清理空間、拓寬了開口,來補足采光。另添加兩根新柱,接地 65 英尺,現(xiàn)將主梁固定在一樓,從而與客廳自由連通。The greatest challenge facing the restructuring of the dining room was the unleveled terrain with pronounced slope in which it sits. A few changes were made: walls were removed, levels evened, spaces cleared and openings broadened for a greater flow of natural light.05 眠沙發(fā)上的赤土色讓人聯(lián)想到西藏僧侶的長袍質(zhì)樸醇厚的大地色調(diào)圍合出一方怡然有度的靜夢之地。空間的地板僅使用兩種材料:木材——與木質(zhì)天花板沉浸在同一片陰影中——和黑色微水泥。墻面采用灰泥,涂成淺棕灰色。亞麻因其因為極富天然纖維而成為首選面料。The flooring for the space merely used two elements: wood – in the same shade as the ceiling – and black microcement. The walls were plaster and painted in a light brown-gray hue. Linen was the preferred fabric for its natural fiber essence.06 浴在浴室里光線經(jīng)過窗面散射,柔和的散布在黑色的微水泥地板和淺灰色的墻壁上?!ぁぁぁn the bathroomsthe light seeps through the andiron showering the black microcement floors and light gray walls.(文章來源:建E室內(nèi)設(shè)計網(wǎng))