至翔NID實(搞笑腦筋急轉(zhuǎn)彎)景作品 | 暖暖

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至翔 NID?空 間 設(shè) 計ZX?NID?space designHard installation design?/Soft installation design??感謝您關(guān)注至翔NID空間設(shè)計Thank you for your attention? to ?ZX?NID designHard installation design & soft installation designZX?NID design teamChangshu,Suzhou,China2022??項目名稱 | Name :暖暖項目坐標(biāo) | Address :蘇州?.常熟名湖豪庭項目風(fēng)格 | Style?:現(xiàn)代北歐設(shè)計機構(gòu) | Design :至翔NID空間設(shè)計施工單位 | Consturuction :至翔精筑設(shè)計時間 | Design time :2022·3拍攝時間 | Shooting ?time :2022·10項目面積 | Area :115㎡??至翔NID空間設(shè)計風(fēng)是甜的 陽光是暖的簡單點糊涂點開心點記得把普通日子過的浪漫些 你沒有那么多觀眾不妨大膽一點慢也好 步子小也好 往前走就好 明天的日出和你都值得期待??「 Design & Appeal | 設(shè)計&訴求?」本案是一套精裝房改造案例,經(jīng)過改造,不僅風(fēng)格上煥然一新,在布局上也優(yōu)化了許多。第一次接觸屋主,是個可可愛愛的小美女,接觸中覺得女孩獨立自信有著自己獨有的魅力和對自己未來新家的暢想。后了解到屋主是一位非常年輕的公職人員,所以后續(xù)的設(shè)計交流中發(fā)現(xiàn)她對設(shè)計和細節(jié)有著高要求。平時愛好,休閑、美食、旅游、囤貨,社交關(guān)系簡單.周末宅家 偶爾三五好友來做客,所以家的舒適性更高。對家的構(gòu)想:舒服、放松、愜意希望我的家以后隨便拍照都像網(wǎng)紅店。喜歡隨性自在的生活,所以在居住空間上也想追求自由自在的感覺,想在休憩的午后,閑暇的時光,躺在休閑椅里,窩在懶人沙發(fā)上,坐在陽臺的小書房里泡一壺茶,享受美食,看一本書或看一部喜歡的電影,享受當(dāng)下生活的愜意?;钤诋?dāng)下就是,該工作的時候,可以挽起袖子拼命干,該休息的時候,把心放空,享受此時此刻的寧靜。??「 Family changes | 戶型改造 」改造點:1.精裝房風(fēng)格太傳統(tǒng)。2.餐廳格局不理想。3.廚房餐廳操作臺面收納空間少。4.整體色調(diào)太冷。5.希望陽臺與客廳打通 又不想太單一。6.收納空間少。改動:1.在不動整體格局的情況下改變風(fēng)格。2. 打通廚房墻面,開闊廚房與餐廳開放空間。3. 不破壞地面墻體結(jié)構(gòu)上打通廚房 定做操作臺面。4. 餐廳也增加操作臺面,入住門口定制收納柜既是餐邊酒柜又是入戶鞋柜。打通墻體后定制吧臺,并設(shè)計折疊門和移門的拼接。摒棄原有風(fēng)格,改變風(fēng)格,改變色調(diào)。5. 拆除陽臺移門改變門洞造型貫通陽臺空間。6. 每個空間增加了收納柜。?原始結(jié)構(gòu)圖?平面布置圖???01.?The hallDesign agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design門廳?一進門就有一種遠離鬧市的感覺,木質(zhì)材料占據(jù)大部分的視野,仿佛能聞到原木的清香,整個人都放松下來了。入戶門廳,既是玄關(guān)又是半開放式餐廚廳,第一眼看見的是定制裝飾柜、油畫掛畫。As soon as you enter the door, there is a feeling of being far away from the busy market. Wooden materials occupy most of the vision, as if you can smell the fragrance of logs, and the whole person is relaxed.The entrance hall is both the porch and the semi-open kitchen hall. The first sight is customized decorative cabinet oil painting hanging.??02.Eat hutchDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design餐廚?設(shè)計上不破壞頂?shù)孛娴幕A(chǔ),打破格局 拆除墻體,定制吧臺與北墻面操作臺面與廚房的連貫。就設(shè)計成的半開放式廚房。半開放式廚房以白色為主,矮柜木紋色色彩的碰撞,視覺上空間感就放大了。餐廚間定制長虹玻璃移門與臺面折疊門設(shè)計,既打破常規(guī)又能隔絕油煙。The design does not destroy the foundation of the top floor, break the pattern and remove the wall, customize the connection between the bar and the operating table of the north wall and the kitchen. It's designed to be a semi-open kitchen.The semi-open kitchen is mainly white, and the collision of wood grain color in the low cabinet magnifies the visual sense of space. Dining room custom Changrainbow glass sliding door and table folding door design, not only break the convention and can be isolated smoke.??一邊是柴米油鹽 一邊是浪漫餐吧。櫻桃木餐桌緊靠廚房餐吧,靠窗操作臺與裝飾餐邊柜的結(jié)合。門廳餐廚都大大增大了儲藏裝飾空間。增加了那么多儲藏柜也不會影響采光,北面大面積的窗戶可以讓自然光透入照進餐廚,美好的生活總能迎著和煦的日光開始。It's a romantic meal on the one hand.Cherry wood dining table next to the kitchen bar, window counter and decorative side cabinets. The foyer kitchen has greatly enlarged the storage and decoration space.The addition of so many storage cabinets will not affect the lighting. The large Windows on the north side allow natural light to penetrate into the dining room. The good life always starts with the warm sunshine.??03.?The sitting roomDesign agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design客廳?空間改造了,但又似沒有改動,空間色調(diào)感不一樣了。溫馨的棕色與米白的清新搭配,讓空間保持色彩的平衡,運用相對克制的手法,打造了一個舒適又不失趣味的空間。將原有直角冰冷門洞金香譜圖解屬套線拆除,也將客廳與陽臺的移門拆除,再進行改造的后增加柔和的弧形造型。The space is transformed, but it does not seem to change, the space tone is not the same.The fresh combination of warm brown and rice white allows the space to maintain a balance of colors, and uses relatively restrained techniques to create a comfortable and interesting space.The metal sleeve line of the original rectangular cold door was removed, and the moving door of the living room and balcony was removed, and the soft arc shape 媽媽寫給兒子的一封信鼓勵與期望,was added after the renovation.??從玄關(guān)、餐廳、客廳到陽臺動線流暢,視野毫不受限。冬日午后的暖陽,從紗簾中投進來,暖暖的撒下一片金光。From the porch, dining room, living room to the balcony moving line is smooth, the vision is not limited.The warm sun in the winter afternoon, from the gauze curtain, the warm scatter a piece of golden light.??04.The balconyDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design陽臺?陽臺也一分為二,一半休閑一半生活,中間用長虹玻璃折疊門阻隔,再也不怕晾曬衣物影響美觀。The balcony is also divided into two, half of leisure and half of life, the middle with changrainbow glass folding door barrier, is no longer afraid of drying clothes influence beautiful.??05.The studyDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design書房?結(jié)合功能指向,書房承擔(dān)了辦公及閱讀書籍的作用,極簡通透的空間氛圍更能聚焦,需要解決問題以及幫助更深度的思考。調(diào)整吊頂布局,增加大功能收納柜,后期后置實用美觀的單人沙發(fā)床,也做客房備用。Combined with the function direction, the study assumes the role of office and reading books. The minimalist and transparent space atmosphere can be more focused, which needs to solve problems and help more in-depth thinking. Adjust the layout of the suspended ceiling, increase the storage cabinet with large functions, and install a practical and beautiful single sofa bed in the rear, which is also used as a spare room.??06.Master bedroomDesign我國32個歷史文化遺產(chǎn), agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design主臥室?主臥延用藤編木質(zhì)家具,增加了儲物柜,白色衣帽柜與墻面的米白又搭配簡筆裝飾畫和暖意的床品,營造了舒適溫馨的睡眠氣氛。軟配上紅棕色絲絨色窗簾與整體櫻桃木色的家具相呼應(yīng)。The master bedroom is extended with rattan wood furniture, and a storage cabinet is added. The white coat cabinet and the wall are rice white and matched with stick figure decorative paintings and warm bedding, creating a comfortable and warm sleeping atmosphere.Soft and red brown velvet curtains echo the overall cherry wood furniture.??07.Second bedroomDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design次臥?不同的區(qū)域不同的色塊,豆青色墻面與原木藤編家具的搭配,以及對物品的合理布置,軟配上這邊換了米色窗簾,讓空間呈現(xiàn)出另一種和諧的氛圍?,F(xiàn)在業(yè)主還沒考慮有自己的小家庭,平常就考慮父母偶爾來居住,等以后就考慮可以做兒童房。Different color blocks in different areas, the collocation of bean green wall and log rattan furniture, as well as the reasonable arrangement of items, soft matching here for beige curtains, so that the space presents another harmonious atmosphere. Now the owner has not considered to have their own small family, usually consider parents occasionally to live, and so on later to consider can do children's room.??08.ToiletDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design衛(wèi)生間?由于精裝,業(yè)主衛(wèi)生間不動,但我們還是做了分管處理,出來的效果和整體很搭。Due to the hardcover, the owner's bathroom does not move, but we still do the responsible treatment, the effect is very matched with the whole.?-至翔NID空間設(shè)計-E N D版權(quán)聲明本文均為至翔NID原創(chuàng),請勿盜用如需轉(zhuǎn)載本文或商業(yè)合作,請郵件聯(lián)系:1219449110@qq.com如果您喜歡【至翔NID空間設(shè)計】可以“推送”或“分享”給身邊的朋友???商務(wù)合作或是投稿請致電TEL:17717477799如涉及相關(guān)法律問題?可聯(lián)系 魏郁澄律師?。ㄉ虾H沼ㄌK州)律師事務(wù)所 創(chuàng)始合伙人)蘇州大學(xué)法學(xué)碩士聯(lián)系電話:13862132529