至翔(古代奶娘)NID實(shí)景作品 | 閑逸棲居

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至翔 NID?空 間 設(shè) 計(jì)ZX?NID?space designHard installation design?/Soft installation design感謝您關(guān)注至翔NID空間設(shè)計(jì)Thank you for your attention? to ?ZX?NID design?Hard installation design & soft installation designZX?NID design team?Changshu,Suzhou,China2022?項(xiàng)目名稱 | Name :閑逸棲居項(xiàng)目坐標(biāo) | Address :蘇州?.常熟理文昕悅溪項(xiàng)目風(fēng)格 | Style?:現(xiàn)代風(fēng)格設(shè)計(jì)機(jī)構(gòu) | Design :至翔NID空間設(shè)計(jì)施工單位 | Consturuction :至翔精筑設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)間 | Design time :2022·3拍攝時(shí)間 | Shooting ?time :2022·10項(xiàng)目面積 | Area :100㎡?至翔NID空間設(shè)計(jì)?如何定義一個(gè)家家是漂泊者的港灣家需要滿足功能同時(shí)也需要藝術(shù)滋養(yǎng)家是不可復(fù)制的精神居所我們希望能創(chuàng)建一個(gè)令人心安的庇護(hù)所一處能給人撫慰和舒適感的個(gè)人領(lǐng)地季節(jié)更替,新的故事在這里悄然生長(zhǎng)?「 Design & Appeal | 設(shè)計(jì)&訴求?」?本案的業(yè)主是一位長(zhǎng)年在國(guó)外工作,剛剛歸國(guó)的男士,思想開(kāi)放獨(dú)特同時(shí)知性細(xì)心。喜歡現(xiàn)代風(fēng)的干凈利落,也要一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)精致、浪漫的情調(diào)。在色彩上選擇白色,橙色和木色,來(lái)營(yíng)造貼近自然,干凈舒適的空間體驗(yàn)。硬裝的設(shè)計(jì)上,整屋運(yùn)用了大量的木飾面,視覺(jué)跟著紋理衍生。廚房,餐廳,客廳,陽(yáng)臺(tái)在同一條線。同時(shí)選擇有光澤感的金屬來(lái)作為家的點(diǎn)綴,讓空間更加純凈,明亮,視野更加開(kāi)闊。?「 Family changes | 戶型改造 」改造點(diǎn):1.原戶型結(jié)構(gòu)入戶略顯擁擠,多功能房尺寸過(guò)于小了,較擁擠。2.餐廳占據(jù)原本的過(guò)道空間,且一進(jìn)門就能看見(jiàn)餐桌。3.主臥的入戶門正對(duì)客廳,影響客廳的完整性,且進(jìn)出衛(wèi)生間不方便。4.衛(wèi)生間正對(duì)入戶門,且只有一個(gè)衛(wèi)生間使用不方便。5.次臥的隔墻破壞空間的完整性,讓小房間變得更加擁擠。戶型改造:1,進(jìn)門區(qū)域的多功能室墻體拆除砌薄墻,將設(shè)備平臺(tái)的空間納入室內(nèi)空間使用,不浪費(fèi)每一分空間。2廚房拆除原有的隔墻,做半開(kāi)放的餐廚空間。定制吧臺(tái)滿足使用和收納的需求,讓動(dòng)線更加流暢,也增加了公共區(qū)域的采光。3改變?nèi)霊糸T的進(jìn)門方向,完整客廳的電視墻。4原衛(wèi)生間一分為二,增強(qiáng)了使用的便利性,空間利用最大化,改動(dòng)衛(wèi)生間門的位置避開(kāi)與入戶門的沖突。5 ?拆除臥室的小隔墻,床頭柜和衣柜一體化定制,形成一個(gè)完整的次臥空間。6.客廳取消固有的電視背景墻,簡(jiǎn)化造型,增強(qiáng)空間本身的美感,讓客廳顯得干凈通二驢,透。7.取消陽(yáng)臺(tái)移門,讓陽(yáng)臺(tái)客廳連成一體。?原始結(jié)構(gòu)圖?平面布置圖??01.?The hallDesign agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design門廳?入戶玄關(guān)區(qū)域和公共空間打通,地面材質(zhì)分色來(lái)限定玄關(guān)的區(qū)域感,復(fù)古的水磨石磚和家具搭配相適宜。玄關(guān)沒(méi)有做鏤空的造型而是采用了全封閉的柜體,進(jìn)門放鞋放包很方便,視覺(jué)上也不會(huì)覺(jué)得很雜亂。下面也預(yù)留了換鞋凳的空間。常用的通勤外套可以隨手存入一邊的衣櫥里,地面鋪設(shè)瓷磚也讓易臟的玄關(guān)更容易打理。The entry porch area is opened up with the public space. The ground material is colored to define the regional sense of the entrance. The retro terrazzo brick is suitable for matching with furniture. The entrance did not hollow out the shape but used a fully closed cabinet, the door is very convenient to put shoes and bags, visually will not feel very messy. There's also room for a shoe bench underneath. The usual commuter coat can be conveniently tucked away in a side closet, and tiled floors make dirty entryways easier to take care of.??02.?The sitting roomDesign agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design客廳?客廳的家具選用簡(jiǎn)潔舒適,沒(méi)有大件家具的阻隔,采光更加充足,淺色的沙發(fā)配上暖色的硬包和墻面,高級(jí)和溫暖的感覺(jué)鋪面而來(lái),是家的氣息。冷暖色的對(duì)撞增強(qiáng)了空間的趣味性。原本客廳和陽(yáng)臺(tái)之間是隔離的,還有玻璃滑門,顯得客廳和陽(yáng)臺(tái)都比較小,就果斷選擇將移門拆除。打通南陽(yáng)臺(tái)后,視野變得非常開(kāi)闊。自然簡(jiǎn)約的空間格調(diào)被完全詮釋,客廳的軟裝搭配上,選擇了白色和暖灰色的家具,用幾個(gè)灰色的抱枕作為層次的過(guò)渡,然后用藍(lán)色的蓋毯作為空間的點(diǎn)綴,簡(jiǎn)簡(jiǎn)單單就營(yíng)造了自然休閑的氛圍。沙發(fā)旁邊金屬光澤的落地?zé)?,與硬包相得益彰。The living room furniture selection is simple and comfortable, no large furniture barrier, lighting is more sufficient, light sofa with warm color of the hard bag and wall, senior and warm feeling of the pavement, is the breath of home.The collision of warm and cold colors enhances the interest of the space. Originally between the living room and the balcony is isolated, and the glass sliding door, the living room and the balcony are relatively small, will decisively choose to remove the door.After opening the south terrace, the view becomes very broad. The natural and simple space style is completely interpreted. The soft decoration of the living room is matched with white and warm gray furniture. Several gray throw pillows are used as the transition of the level, and then blue blanket is used as the decoration of the space, which simply creates a natural and casual atmosphere. The metallic floor lamp next to the sofa complements the hard bag.??設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)追求空間的簡(jiǎn)潔干凈,所以采用了無(wú)主燈的設(shè)計(jì)。暖色的燈光讓居家的溫馨感達(dá)到了極致。百搭的組合式茶幾在家中也是很實(shí)用的,個(gè)頭不大,隨心移動(dòng)。擺上書(shū)籍和擺件,不局限于空間的收納,讓居家的時(shí)光里也增添趣味。The design of the pursuit of clean space, so the use of no main light design. The warm light makes the warm feeling of home reach the extreme.Versatile combination tea table is also very practical at home, the head is not big, follow the heart of the move. Put books and ornaments, not limited to space storage, let the time at home also add fun.??03.The balconyDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design陽(yáng)臺(tái)?陽(yáng)臺(tái)空間上和客廳連成一體,通過(guò)地面材質(zhì)的區(qū)分對(duì)陽(yáng)臺(tái)空間做了區(qū)域性的劃分。休閑陽(yáng)臺(tái)融入空廳空間,換上超大落地大玻璃窗,風(fēng)景一覽無(wú)遺。陽(yáng)臺(tái)是居家的一隅,是業(yè)主放松休息的地方。在這里可以坐在沙發(fā)椅上獨(dú)處冥想,也可以享受閱讀后的內(nèi)心充實(shí),為居家的日子增添更多的驚喜。The balcony space is integrated with the living room, and the balcony space is divided regionally by the ground material. The leisure balcony is integrated into the empty hall space and replaced with a large floor-to-ceiling glass window. The balcony is a corner of the home, is a place for owners to relax and rest. Here you can sit on the sofa and meditate alone, or you can enjoy the inner enrichment after reading, adding more surprises to the days at home.??04.Eat hutchDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design餐廚??家中最特別的設(shè)計(jì)就是這個(gè)半開(kāi)放的餐廚了??蛷d看向餐廳,每一個(gè)空間各自獨(dú)立卻又緊緊的融合在一起,這是我們期望中的家的模樣。原餐廳居于過(guò)道的中央,有著小空間獨(dú)有的四周環(huán)繞的壓迫感,餐廳和廚房的空間打通,打通之后從狹小的餐廚的空間變成了開(kāi)闊的布局。The most special design in the home is the semi-open kitchen. From the living room to the dining room, each space is separate but tightly integrated, which is what we want our home to look like. The original restaurant is located in the center of the aisle, with a unique sense of pressure around the small space. The space between the restaurant and the kitchen is opened up, and then the narrow kitchen space becomes an open layout.??餐廳廚房吧臺(tái)三種功能有機(jī)的聯(lián)合成了一體,這樣改造之后不僅空間顯得更大,采光也變得更好了,同時(shí)還增加了家人之間的互動(dòng)感。將冰箱放置在餐廳區(qū)域,完美的利用了空間。餐廳依然選擇了最實(shí)用的巖板餐桌,黑色的桌面更加容易打理。吊燈離地一米六,光線剛好照射到桌子中央,暖白的燈光,溫馨又舒適。The three functions of the restaurant kitchen bar are organically combined into one. After this transformation, not only the space appears larger, the lighting becomes better, but also increases the sense of interaction between the family. Placing the refrigerator in the dining area makes perfect use of the space. The restaurant still chooses the most practical rock table, and the black top is more manageable. The chandelier is six meters from the ground, and the light just shines into the center of the table. The warm white light is warm and comfortable.??05.Master bedroomDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design主臥室?主臥的布置很簡(jiǎn)單,延續(xù)了客廳的整體氛圍,依舊是清爽白色搭配溫潤(rùn)的原木色,搭配上暖色的床頭燈烘托出溫暖的氛圍,燈光采用了單邊吊燈的不對(duì)稱設(shè)計(jì)。家具沒(méi)有選用傳統(tǒng)的床頭柜,采取鏤空的造型從細(xì)節(jié)處強(qiáng)化空間感受。臥室里并沒(méi)有配置電視和電視柜,特意將墻面留空,預(yù)留大片墻面留給投影儀,減少?gòu)?fù)雜的裝飾。The layout of the master bedroom is very simple, continuing the overall atmosphere of the living room. It is still fresh white with warm wood上饒人口 color, and the bedside lamp with warm color sets off the warm atmosphere. The lighting adopts the asymmetric design of unilateral chandelier. Furniture did not choose the traditional nightstand, take hollow shape from the details to strengthen the sense of space. The bedroom is not equipped with TV and TV cabinet, and the wall is deliberately left empty, reserving a large wall for the projector to reduce complex decoration.??06.Second bedroomDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design次臥?次臥室的核心就是做減法設(shè)計(jì),不帶太多的裝飾,追究自然干凈,所以墻面選擇了白色的乳膠漆搭配原木色的地板,看起來(lái)干凈利落自然樸素。取消傳csgo丟包,統(tǒng)的直排型柜子,將床頭柜和衣柜一體化定制,去處多余的設(shè)計(jì),不會(huì)占用太多的空間。The core of the second bedroom is to do subtraction design, without too much decoration, to investigate the natural and clean, so the wall chose white latex paint with the wood color of the floor, looking clean and natural simple. Cancel the traditional straight-line cabinet, the nightstand and wardrobe integration custom, remove the excess design, will not take up too much space.??07.ToiletDesign agency:?Zhi?Xiang NID space design衛(wèi)生間?將衛(wèi)生間一分為二,內(nèi)外衛(wèi)分離,提高了空間的利用率。功能區(qū)分化明確,臺(tái)盆臺(tái)面延伸至馬桶,整體別致帶點(diǎn)小設(shè)計(jì)感。The toilet is divided into two parts, and the inner and outer sanitation are separated to improve the utilization rate of space. Functional area differentiation is clear, basin table extends to the toilet, the overall chic with a small sense of design.?-至翔NID空間設(shè)計(jì)-E N D版權(quán)聲明本文均為至翔NID原創(chuàng),請(qǐng)勿盜用如需轉(zhuǎn)載本文或商業(yè)合作,請(qǐng)郵件聯(lián)系:1219449110@qq.com如果您喜歡【至翔NID空間設(shè)計(jì)】可以“推送”或“分享”給身邊的朋友???商務(wù)合作或是投稿請(qǐng)致電TEL:17717477799如涉及相關(guān)法律問(wèn)題?可聯(lián)系 魏郁澄律師?。ㄉ虾H沼ㄌK州)律師事務(wù)所 創(chuàng)始合伙人)蘇州大學(xué)法學(xué)碩士聯(lián)系電話:13862132529