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Rina Lovko和Daryna Spuryk為一位年輕時尚圈人士設計了一套明亮的公寓可以俯瞰Kiev安靜的綠色公園出于客戶對巴黎的興趣設計師們希望打造出一處新穎別致的巴黎復古公寓該公寓位于1905年的一棟住宅樓的第四層。考慮到該建筑的現有狀況,需要進行大規(guī)模的翻新。The apartment is located on the 4th floor of a residential building dating back to 1905. Considering the state of the building, a massive renovation was required.在拆除的過程中,發(fā)現墻壁和地板上有腐爛的石板和較大的裂縫,需要進行修復。The process of dismantling revealed rotten slabs and large cracks in the walls and flooring that needed to be restored.墻壁被替換并涂上灰泥,保留了粗糙的紋理并使檐口變得平滑。The walls were replaced and plastered, keeping the rough texture and smoothing out the cornices.古舊的橡木地板由團隊修復,在公寓里以人字形圖案組裝,披予了時間光澤的斑駁痕跡,于枯寂中而顯風雅。Antique oak parquetry was restored by the team and assembled in the herringbone pattern in the apartment, leaving its marks of time and imperfections unaltered.通體裸露的天花板刻有歲月鋪敘的綿延印記自然,療愈,滋養(yǎng),生長于無聲處,運生撫慰人心的力量明亮而寬敞的廚房由走廊一路延伸而來開闊疏朗的氣度遍及整個空間Bright and roomy,the kitchen extend off the hallway,their airiness visually extendingthroughout the space.Lovko和Shpuryk避免了模仿,而是轉向自然紋理,將柔軟度和確定的細節(jié)結合起來,以提升整體的透氣性,而不是復雜的微妙度。Lovko and Shpuryk avoided pastiche, instead shifting to natural textures, a combination of softness and determined details to offer an overall airiness, and nuanced sophistication instead.圍繞縱向布局,一條長而實用的走廊充當公用設施區(qū),包括入口衣柜、客人休息室和洗衣房。Orchestrated around an enfilade arrangement, a long, functional hallway acts as the utility area containing an entrance wardrobe, guest restroom, and laundry.綠色,是冷暖邊界的中立者是碧水泛漾的湖面是清風搖曳的新枝是盈滿晨曦的森林是拂過天際的極光透過客廳的雙扇門,可以看到臥室和浴室。Peeking through the double doors of the living room sits the bedroom and bathroom.手工制作的石膏天花板暗示著更經典的石膏,是臥室的浪漫補充。Hinting at a more classic plaster, a hand-crafted gypsum ceiling is a romantic addition to the bedroom.私人區(qū)域由玻璃隔斷和柔軟的窗簾隔開,創(chuàng)造出一種連續(xù)空間的感覺。The private areas are separated by a glass partition and a soft curtain, creating a feeling of one continuous space.推門緩至,一覽全觀復古的裝飾印象隨之印入腦海一點素白,純明澄凈古典的婉致與現代的簡約在這一方天地里自然相和在浴室里,柜子直接放在窗戶前面,這是客戶的特殊要求,這樣他們就可以欣賞到窗外的美景。In the bathroom, the cabinet is placed directly in front of the window—a special request from the client so they could get ready with a view.以玻璃隔斷和柔軟的薄紗,將衛(wèi)浴室與臥室二者隔開。The bathroom is separated from the bedroom with a glass partition and a soft tulle.浴缸上方的方形鏡,也經由Rina Lovko Studio之手,平和的木制肌理,與素來冷冽的玻璃,在光影的輝映下愈發(fā)溫暖。The mirror above the sink, was also designed ,at Rina Lovko studio.The smooth wooden texture and cold glass become warmer under the light.(文章來源:建E室內設計網)